I stumbled across Sarah Khandjian’s blog, Sarah Hearts, while I was searching for something completely unrelated. It’s gorgeous, and I absolutely love it! It’s the kind of blog I would never have come across if not by accident (as are most of the best ones I find!) and it has now been added to my list of leisurely weekend reading material.
What I love even more are the free wallpapers that she has designed – especially this inspirational quote for January. It really struck a chord with me, and I didn’t hesitate to set it as the wallpaper on my desktop.
Unhealthy comparisons are probably one of the biggest de-motivational tricks in our mind’s arsenal. There’s no point in starting a project and then looking at others who’ve long since started their own projects and thinking “oh, this is so crap compared to X, why isn’t it as good as theirs?”, then getting dejected and eventually just giving up altogether. I’m as guilty of this as everyone else, but I hope looking at this motivational quote whenever I turn on my computer will remind me that everyone has to start from scratch and work hard to build whatever they’re working on into something they can be proud of.
Download your own copy of Sarah’s awesome wallpaper here
(Image: Sarah Khandjian / Source: SarahHearts.com)