Day 2 has come to an end and I must say, I’m pretty over living in a house that is being renovated! I’ve gotten a lot better at organising myself and my space since moving to Melbourne, so I really don’t like not knowing where anything is or having boxes full of stuff everywhere. My dad, on the other hand, remains unphased ;)
The electrician and plumber were in this morning to do the rough-in of power points and plumbing. I have to say, I’m pretty impressed with the team that Harvey Norman Renovations have sent around so far – everyone has been polite, puntual and have communicated well.
Once they left, I popped over to Bunnings to hire a wallpaper steamer so that I could shed the kitchen of it’s cheesy 70s wallpaper. Bunnings Rockdale had two steamers – both of which were faulty! – so I ended up having to go to Bunnings Mascot instead. Obviously I should have called first. Oh well, c’est la vie!
So I’ve basically been removing wallpaper for the last eight hours. I have to admit, I’m an old hat when it comes to wallpaper removal. Our family home is covered in wallpaper from the last century, and I’ve already removed it from a couple of other rooms in the past (just call me ‘DIY Sonie’!)
Luckily, this room didn’t have multiple layers of wallpaper like the last two. It did, however, have a really cool paint job underneath. I actually thought it was wallpaper at first, but then my dad said he remembered my grandfather painting the room before I was born – so it looks like I unearthed a piece of family history!

Goodbye cheesy old wallpaper…

…hello cool yellow & silver paint work!
It makes me wonder why on earth they covered it to begin with, because it’s really kinda cool and the bright, pastel yellow really freshens the room up and makes it so much brighter.
In other news, Alice has decided that she doesn’t want to come inside tonight, and I’m sick of trying to catch her (she’s a plump little thing but she sure can run!) so she’ll just have to sleep outside. I guess renovations and cats just don’t mix!
It’s now past midnight and I’m thoroughly exhausted and ready for sleep. Goodnight!