On Writing

A sentence a day keeps the procrastination away

I think keeping a journal is really valuable, but I also find it really difficult. I love writing, but the thought of having to write a journal entry every single day (or at least fairly regularly) scares me enough to keep me from doing it.


That’s why I love the kikki.K ‘A Sentence A Day’ Journal. The neat thing about it is that you only have to write one sentence a day (woo!) and there is a different prompt each day so that you have something specific to answer/write about. There are spots on each page for three years worth of sentences too, so you can see how your thinking has evolved over time.

I’ve been writing in mine for a week now (so far, so good!) It’s hard not to write in it, because there’s no excuse not to write one lousy sentence a day. Hopefully this will get me into a better writing habit, which may lead me to writing a more detailed journal entry per day… who knows! ;)

On Writing

Breaking old blogging habits

I’ve started a number of blogs over the last 12 years. They generally begin well but usually end with a string of posts apologising for not posting and promising that I’ll get back to it soon, first over a period of weeks, then months.

Finally, the ultimate blog death: silence.

Sometimes I would call ‘redesign’, tinkering with templates and widgets trying to reinvigorate my blog (and my motivation) with a new look.

Ultimately, I’d end up deleting the blog entirely. Then, after enough time had past that I’d forgotten about my bad blogging habits, I’d start again (ad nauseum, until I finally ended the vicious cycle and stopped trying to blog for a while).

I’ve done a lot of research about blogging in general over the last couple of years and I think I’ve finally worked out what’s been going wrong:

  1. I haven’t been disciplined enough with my posting schedule;
  2. I haven’t been realistic about the amount of time I can actually devote to posting; and
  3. I’ve spent too much time blogging about random things and have lacked focus.

Now that I’ve given myself the opportunity to reflect on previous experience and identify these issues, I’ve decided to give blogging one final go. I’ve given myself a focus, but I’ve also allowed myself some leeway to write about the things that interest me that aren’t directly related to it. I’m also going to lower my expectations about posting, and just do my best to post regularly (at least twice a week, but if I can post more often, then great!)

I’m excited to accept the challenge that I’ve issued to myself. I’m hoping that (in time and with enough perseverance!) this blog will become a useful resource for other like-minded individuals who are learning to map their way through the ever-changing media landscape.

Fingers crossed!
