I always have difficulty with the first blog post. Should it be a personal introduction? Some kind of manifesto identifying what the blog is going to be about? A non-descript, general post, with style and content akin to your 3rd, 30th or 300th post? It has always been quite a quandary for me.
When I find a new blog that I enjoy and want to keep reading, I have a tendency to go through the archives, way back into the depths of the blog’s history, to that very first post. Apart from wanting to read the blog from the beginning (to get a feel for the style, catch up on the content, and learn how the blog has evolved over time) I want to know how it all began.
A Google search will bring up a number of articles on how and what to write in your first blog post. While it would be nice to pick up a checklist and go through it point-by-point in order to overcome this seemingly difficult hurdle to starting a blog, I believe that this goes against the grain of why one blogs to begin with, and how one develops their own ‘voice’.
Evidently, I’ve now written an entire post about writing your first post. It really wasn’t as hard as it had initially seemed. I would suggest that if you just start typing, the ideas will come. Then, once you’ve hit that big ol’ PUBLISH button for the first time and your words have gone live for everyone to read, re-blog and scrutinise, you’ll be ready to just get on with it.
NB: Just in case you would prefer a little prompting to help get you started, I really enjoyed the article What to Write for Your Very First Blog Post and thought it made some relevant points as well.