One of the things I love about visiting Sydney is that I get to have some downtime and catch up on my cable TV viewing, twitter feed, emails and the like. I always thought that I’d have more time to do these things once I moved to Melbourne, but apparently that wasn’t to be the case.
So I’m sitting here getting a little wired on a combination of delicious coffee (my dad brews the best coffee, bless his heart!) and the 24 hour news cycle, when I come across a tweet from @neilhimself that directed me to this fabulous little ditty:
I absolutely love it. It’s gorgeous, and it has planted an earworm in my head that will surely have me singing along for days (mayhaps weeks, or even months!) I really did not see it coming, that it was a promo for Metro Trains. Best. Ad campaign. Ever.
I’m hoping that the sheer amount of cute in that video will help me counteract the positively gag-worthy feeling I’ve had since I encountered this exchange between President Obama and this fan-girl…*ahem* journalist on Fox News earlier today:
Really? REALLY???
Ugh. That was enough to make me want to use my private parts as piranha bait. Objective journalism is clearly alive and well, ladies and gentlemen.